Lost Canadian legal status in '15, arrested in September '19, Our firm went to hearing for the first time within 48 hours and the client was released on the spot

2019-08-19 12:39:50 HelpTeam

Basic information about the Client:

Our client came to live in Canada for many years

Lost legal status in Canada starting in 2015

Stopped by police while driving on September 16, 2019. The police found that our client had been in Canada illegally for many years and detained him in the Border Agency detention center at 385 Rexdale Blvd.

After the incident, the client contacted us on the same day and we studied the case and decided to accept the case.

The first detention review was held within 48 hours.

On September 17, 2019 we went to the hearing and the client was released on the spot.

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