Successful case: Refugee claim denied in 17', arrested on September 20', our firm went to court for the first time within 12 hours and the client was released in court.
Basic information about the client:
Our client's refugee claim was rejected in 2017
After the rejection of his pre-removal risk assessment in 2019, he has been staying in Canada without a legal status
On the night of September 23, 2020, the client was found to have no legal status in Canada during a random police inspection and was sent to the border detention center
The client contacted us on the same night, we studied the case and decided to accept the case.
The first hearing was held within 12 hours and the client was released on the morning of September 24, 2020.
HelpTeam kindly reminds you to find a licensed immigration law firm to help you with your application. We provide a wide range of services for immigration applications, refugee applications, hearings, court appearances, etc., saving you time and giving you the greatest assurance of success!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Address: Suite 208 - 201 Consumers Rd., Toronto, M2J 4G8
Phone: 1-647-881-3339
WeChat : HelpTeam
(Please make an appointment before coming to the office!)