Successful Case: Refused Refugee Claimant Successfully Approved for Humane Immigration to Canada!
With the borders temporarily closed due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the Canadian government has offered numerous favourable immigration policies for people in the country. At the end of October 2020, when the epidemic was very serious, Canada announced an immigration plan with the goal of receiving more than 400,000 new immigrants per year from 2021-2023, the highest number of new immigrants in Canadian history. In Canadian history, only in 1913 were more than 400,000 new immigrants admitted, more than 5% of the population at the time.
If you are not currently eligible for Canada's general immigration programs in the skilled trade, investment, or family reunification categories, and have received a deportation order after a failed refugee application, what other ways are there to successfully immigrate to Canada without legal status?
In the past, HelpTeam has introduced you to the Canadian Humanitarian and Compassionate Consideration (H & C), a category of application that allows immigrants to immigrate even if they do not meet any of the requirements.
HelpTeam 's expert will consider a combination of factors such as the applicant's close residence in Canada, the frequency of contact with Canada, his or her own health condition, the ability to protect the best interests of the child, factors in the applicant's home country (e.g., economic reasons or climatic conditions when health reasons are involved), family circumstances, etc., to prepare a well-documented humane and compassionate immigration application. Because many Canadian immigration applications and appeals are filed on humanitarian grounds, experienced immigration counsel is needed to help the applicant provide adequate explanations and strong written arguments.
Successful case
Basic information about the client.
In late 2018 Client came to Canada to apply for a refugee claim.
August 2019 After a failed refugee application and an unsuccessful appeal, she received a deportation order and lost her legal status.
December 2019 We studied the case and decided to accept the case.
February 2020 We help them stay in Canada and not be deported, then we filed a humanitarian application
March 2021 Client receives the notification of additional documents and information
July 2021 The client's Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) application was successfully approved during the epidemic.
HelpTeam kindly reminds you that once you lose your legal status in Canada, there are still many other ways to remain in Canada legally, but make sure to seek the help of a licensed immigration law firm to assist you with your application. We offer a range of services for refugee applications, hearings, court appearances, etc., saving you time and giving you the greatest assurance of success!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Address: Suite 208 -201 Consumers Rd., Toronto, M2J 4G8
Phone: 1-647-881-3339
WeChat: HelpTeam
(Please make an appointment before coming to the office!)