Expired status, found in custody after a traffic accident, facing deportation, bail granted within 24 hours, release before mandatory 48-hour court date

2018-05-25 03:59:35 HelpTeam

Basic information about the client:

 The guest applied for refugee in Canada many years ago, but failed, and has been working in Canada since then, without legal status in Canada.

 On the morning of May 18, 2018, the guest was caught by the police in a traffic accident and was found to be an illegal immigrant , and was then transferred to the Canada Border Security Agency's detention center to face forced deportation to China.

 May 18, 2018 afternoon The guest contacted us and we accepted the case

 May 19, 2018 AM Through our negotiation, the guest was released before going to court.

Study Abroad|Visa|Immigration|Refugees|Deportation|Court Appearances|Legal Services

Study Abroad|Visa|Immigration|Refugees|Deportation|Court Appearances|Legal Services