Successful refugee claim, client is almost 60 years old, congratulations to Ms. Ju for starting a new life!
2018-06-17 03:24:46
Basic information of the client:
A citizen of an Asian country, the applicant is almost 60 years old and came to Canada alone.
July 2017: The applicant arrived in Canada by irregular means and declared a refugee claim at the airport.
July 2017: The client contacted us after declaring himself a refugee, and after hearing the case, we decided to accept the case.
End of July 2017 : The client goes through Eligibility Hearing, waiting for the Refugee Hearing.
April 2018: The Refugee Hearing was held and we fought very hard against a very strict judge in the Refugee Department.
May 2018: The hearing results issued.
June 2018: We received the result of the hearing, congratulations to Ms. Ju.